Be on the lookout for strangers in our neighborhood. Join the mailing list for updates on the situation and also to inform your neighbors of any suspicious activity.

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Documents & Forms
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SCHOA Documents and Forms

For your convenience forms and documents associated with SCHOA are available here.

Articles of Incorporation

Stirrup Creek Homeowners Association Articles of Incorporation (pdf, 11MB)


Stirrup Creek Homeowners Association Bylaws (pdf, 1.6MB)

Declaration of Restrictions

Stirrup Creek Homeowners Association Declaration of Restrictions - 1977 (pdf, 226KB)
Stirrup Creek Homeowners Association Declaration of Restrictions - 1978 (pdf, 1.15MB)
Stirrup Creek Homeowners Association Declaration of Restrictions - 1983 (pdf, 106KB)
Stirrup Creek Homeowners Association Amendment of Declaration - 1984 (pdf, 60KB)
Pagehurst Declaration for Stirrup Creek Homeowners Association - 1999 (pdf, 238KB)

Architectural Requests

Architectural Request Form (pdf, 110KB)


Annual budget, ledgers and balance sheets are available to SCHOA members upon request to Lumina Community Management, Managing Agent for Stirrup Creek HOA. Please allow one week for delivery.

Stirrup Creek Homeowners Association Collection Policy

Stirrup Creek Homeowner's Association | Lumina Community Management: (919) 957-1912